India Surpasses Pakistan in Nuclear Weapons Stockpile

Jun 27, 2024
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India Surpasses Pakistan in Nuclear Weapons Stockpile

India has surpassed Pakistan in nuclear weapons stockpile for the first time since 1999, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). India now possesses 172 nuclear warheads, compared to Pakistan's 170. This marks a significant increase from India's 100 warheads in 2014, reflecting ongoing efforts to strengthen its nuclear arsenal.

The SIPRI report suggests that India might be shifting towards a new strategy of mating some of its warheads with delivery systems during peacetime. Traditionally, India has stored its nuclear warheads separately from their launchers. However, recent practices such as placing missiles in canisters and conducting sea-based deterrence patrols indicate a potential change in approach. India's nuclear delivery systems include fighter jets, land-based ballistic missiles, and submarine-launched missiles.

Over the past year, India has added eight new warheads to its stockpile, increasing the total from 164 to 172. Meanwhile, Pakistan's stockpile has remained unchanged at 170 warheads. This development highlights India's primary focus on countering Pakistan, although there is a growing emphasis on developing longer-range weapons capable of reaching targets throughout China.

China, according to the SIPRI report, is expanding its nuclear arsenal at a faster rate than any other country. China's warhead count increased from 410 in 2023 to 500 in 2024. For the first time, China may be deploying a small number of warheads on missiles during peacetime, marking a significant shift in its nuclear strategy. The report also notes that China has put its nuclear weapons on high operational alert, ready for quick deployment, a strategy India might adopt.

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