Human Rights Violations in Balochistan: A Call for International Intervention

Mar 19, 2024
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Human Rights Violations in Balochistan: A Call for International Intervention

In the 55th Session of the Human Rights Council held in Geneva, Dr. Mahrang Baloch, representing the Baloch Yakjahti Committee, delivered a poignant speech highlighting the plight of the Baloch people in Balochistan, Pakistan. The speech, underscored the systematic oppression and grave human rights violations endured by the Baloch community, urging the international community to intervene and put an end to the atrocities.

Dr Baloch began by recounting personal tragedies, stating that her father was forcibly disappeared by Pakistani intelligence agencies and extrajudicially killed in custody. At the same time, her younger brother suffered enforced disappearance and endured months of torture. Despite these harrowing experiences, Dr. Baloch emphasized that she stood not only as a victim but also as a representative of the Baloch people, who have suffered unimaginable injustices for far too long.

Central to Dr. Baloch's plea was the alarming situation of human rights violations in Balochistan, including enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, fake encounters, and a pervasive disregard for basic human rights. She described a slow and calculated genocide unfolding in Balochistan, causing communities to live in constant fear. Decades of protests by the Baloch people against these violations have yielded little response, as their cries for justice have fallen on deaf ears within Pakistan.

In light of this dire situation, Dr. Baloch urged the international community, particularly the United Nations, to take decisive action on behalf of Balochistan. She called for an investigation into human rights abuses, accountability for perpetrators, and justice for victims. Specifically, she appealed for the deployment of a fact-finding mission to Balochistan, tasked with independently assessing the challenges faced by the Baloch people.

The essence of Dr. Baloch's message resonates with broader concerns regarding human rights violations in conflict zones and marginalised regions worldwide. Balochistan's case underscores the importance of international intervention to protect and promote fundamental human rights for all individuals, irrespective of their nationality or ethnicity.

Dr. Mahrang Baloch's speech serves as a poignant reminder of the urgent need for international action to address the grave human rights violations in Balochistan. Her impassioned plea for justice and accountability resonates with the principles enshrined in international human rights law, emphasising the collective responsibility of the global community to uphold the rights and dignity of all individuals, particularly those facing persecution and oppression. The speech was uploaded on X, formally Twitter by The Balochistan Post-English.

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