Former Afghan Parliamentarian Exposes Inhumane Deportations and Uncovers Pakistan's Role in Refugee Crisis

Dec 9, 2023
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Former Afghan Parliamentarian Exposes Inhumane Deportations and Uncovers Pakistan's Role in Refugee Crisis

Mariam Solaimankhil, a distinguished Afghan parliamentarian, has been a stalwart advocate for a free and sovereign Afghanistan. With unflinching resolve, she has brought to light the harrowing experiences of Afghan refugees who have been subjected to inhumane and forcible deportations. The plight of these individuals is marked by coercion and dire urgency, as they are compelled to liquidate their assets at rock bottom prices, yet are restricted to carrying no more than 50,000 Pakistani Rupees—a meagre sum that falls tragically short of their needs.

The process of verification that each person is indeed Afghan—and not a terrorist masquerading as a refugee—remains a question of grave concern. Given the notorious history of Pakistan as a breeding ground for multiple terrorist organizations, including the Taliban, the threat of terrorists infiltrating Afghanistan under the guise of repatriation cannot be discounted. This crisis strips the veil off the reality of Afghan refugees who, after spending decades building their lives in a foreign land, now find themselves coerced into leaving with scarcely anything to their name. They leave behind their homes, businesses, and the very communities that once promised a future for their children.

This systematic expulsion is not merely an act of forced migration but a grim cycle of despair, perpetuated by those who once provided sanctuary to the forces of terror. These refugees, who sought safety from the very turmoil that was fuelled by Pakistan, are now facing grave mistreatment. Reports of robberies and humiliation are rife as they cross the Durand Line at the Torkham port/gate, exacerbating the woes of their already grievous journey.

The irony is biting: the Pakistani powers that have significantly contributed to Afghanistan's instability over decades are now asserting their might to repatriate refugees, confiscating properties, and freezing assets without compunction. Amidst worsening conditions in Afghanistan, Pakistan's government is doubling down with stringent restrictions, detentions, and deportations—going as far as to incentivize the betrayal of refugees through monetary rewards.

The resulting exodus has seen tens of thousands uprooted, with over a million more living in trepidation, their futures hanging in a balance of fear. It's a situation that has rightly incensed many, including Solaimankhil, who lambastes the cynical facade of the Taliban, feigning concern and offering monetary compensation to those drowning in despair. The question that haunts every conscious mind is this: Who would willingly live under the oppressive shadow of the Taliban? Who would consciously choose such a fraught existence for their daughters?

It is a heartrending mockery of justice and human dignity, one that Pakistan will have to reckon with as the consequences of its ruthless policies unfold. For those like Mariam Solaimankhil, the fight continues—a fight for the soul of a nation and the sanctity of its people, who deserve far more than the harsh hand they've been dealt.

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