United in Diversity
Explore PM Modi's celebration of India's rich heritage and cultural unity

When I read Chapter 14 in "Igniting Collective Goodness," about India’s complex multi-cultural heritage and contemporary reality, I had this vision of a universe absorbing and disgorging, never static, not always peaceful, not always chaotic, but never static. I feel as if the planet itself is inhaling and exhaling life in all its glory. Just like India - ever-changing, ever-evolving within its borders and throughout the world through its diaspora.
One of the passages that was especially important to me in this regard was Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s remarks from Mann Ki Baat in December of 2019, “A few years ago, I unveiled a book called 'Pre-Modern Kutchi Navigation Techniques and Voyages.' This book, in a way, is the diary of Maalam. Maalam was a navigator, and whatever he experienced professionally he recorded in his diary. Even in the modern age, the very same 'Maalam’s volume' exists as a collection of ancient Gujarati manuscripts. It describes ancient navigation technology, and 'Maalam’s volume' repeatedly references the sky, the stars, the speed of the stars, and clearly describes how the direction is determined in sea voyages with the help of the stars that navigate us towards our destination.”
The Prime Minister was speaking of our connection as a people, as a part of the universe with the twinkling stars in the sky being as old as our civilisation. The Mathematician and Astronomer Aryabhata expounded a great deal on the solar eclipse from a philosophical and mathematical standpoint. His inherent informed sensibility ties everything back to India’s cultural heritage, which is as diverse as the stars.
This idea of unity as a mantra, a sacrament in a diverse country such as India requires constant effort, “Our nation has always been very proactive and alert in strengthening unity and communal harmony in the country. If we look around us, we will find many examples of individuals who have been working ceaselessly to foster communal harmony. But sometimes, it so happens that the efforts of the society and its contribution get wiped from our collective memory,” Prime Minister Modi, Mann Ki Baat, episode 59.
And with the foresight of using the radio programme of Mann Ki Baat, PM Modi has the ability to remind us of that resource, bring us back to our roots, our clear understanding of purposeful harmony.
In September 2010, after the verdict of the landmark Allahabad Court case, the Prime Minister was heartened and encouraged by the restrained, balanced, mature public response, “On the one hand, the machinations went on to generate tension for a week or two, but, when the decision was taken on Ram Janmabhoomi, the government, political parties, social organisations, civil society, representatives of all sects and saints gave restrained and balanced statements. There were attempts to reduce the tension in the socio-political environment. But I remember that day vividly. And whenever I do that, I get happy that the dignity of the judiciary was very proudly honoured and no allowance for any heated discourse or tension was made anywhere. These incidents should always be remembered as they give us a lot of strength. That day, that moment, instils in us a sense of duty. It is an example of how the voice of unison can bestow strength upon our country.”
Again, in "Igniting Collective Goodness," we are reminded, “The taste of water changes every couple of kilometres, the dialect changes every few miles. Hundreds of languages have blossomed and flourished in our country for centuries. At the same time, we are also concerned about the possible extinction of these languages and dialects.” PM Modi, Mann Ki Baat.
The PM understands the cultural wisdom embedded in our very language and encourages the preservation and practice of the various languages and dialects found throughout India. Differences in India under PM Modi are regarded as valuable and celebrated, not barriers and threats to society as a whole. "Igniting Collective Goodness, A Cultural Renaissance," highlights the many examples of his encouragement, acceptance, and celebration of the diversity that is India.
In Episode 33, for example, the PM says, “I convey my hearty greetings to all fellow Indians and everyone across the world, especially the Muslim brethren at the advent of this auspicious month of Ramzan. Prayer, spirituality, and charity are accorded the highest priority during Ramzan. We, Indians, take pride in our diverse communities and faith.”
To summarise, the poet Mahakavi Subramania Bharati says, Mother India has 30 crore faces but one body. She speaks 18 languages but thinks as one.